Wednesday, March 30, 2011

C4T SUmmary Post # 3

What's Wrong With Google Telling Me Everything? 
by: Steven Anderson - Although Google is not the only search engine, it is the most popular. The argument concerning this topic resides in the ability for students to think critically and the interference of Google Searches. Mr. Anderson explains that educators believe, "if a question is asked that Google can answer, then there is something wrong with the question". He asserts that this belief is inaccurate. In my opinion, if the answer to that question does appear in Google Search Engines, the students have to have some knowledge of the subject matter and details to give a satisfactory answer. As Mr. Anderson explains, these search results only provide additional factual knowledge. The key to using Search Engines effectively is teaching students to think critically about the information they receive and the source. With technology making its way into the educational experience, Anderson asserts that teaching kids how to filter information and perform quality searches should be woven into the curriculum. His final statement is a powerful one. "if we are asking questions that Google or any other search engine can answer, that's cool with me. But, if we aren't taking the next steps and having kids explain the choices of the sources of our information then we aren't moving up Blooms, which is what we should be doing." I have found in my college experience that Google Searches are helpful if you are able to find reliable information and are able to site a the source. Not only will teaching students to use search engines effectively allow them to think about the information received, but it may also prevent plagiarism. I am a fan of online searches and think that students who are taught to use them effectively will gain new knowledge and become better researchers.

Quick List Of iPad Resources For The Classroom
iPad2iPads are gaining momentum in the world of education, and teachers are interested in learning how to use them effectively, useful apps, and more. In this blog post, Mr. Anderson listed his favorite go-to resources concerning the use of iPad  in the classroom.  He lists nine sites that offer instructions and information that teachers as well as other iPad users can utilize to make the most of their iPad experience. To view all sites and descriptions, visit Mr. Anderson's Blog. ISTE iPad in Education Webinar Resources includes a collection of articles, apps and information useful in a classroom setting. iPad for Education focuses on the 1-to-1 basis of learning that the iPad allows students on a daily basis. This 1-to-1 program maximizes learning opportunities for students, because there is constant access to information anywhere and anytime. The site provides schools with steps to smoothly implement iPads into the classroom. Sample Lessons-iPads in Education provides educators with five quick lessons using iPad apps. iPad Ideas to Inspire offers 48 interesting ways to use an iPad in the classroom and tips for effective use. iPads4Education  is a network where educators can connect with others who use this technology in the classroom. It is a great place to ask questions and generate and share ideas. I have never used an iPad, but assume they are similar to the iPod Touch, which I have. This post would be very helpful for teachers who are new to the use of iPads in their classrooms. It is important for teachers to continue learning. Implementing new technology into the classroom allows both educators and students to learn together and broaden their outlook on education. 

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